Tigre vs Defensa Y Justicia H2H statistics and predictions

Liga Profesional Argentina
Defensa Y Justicia

Our AI Prediction generated for Tigre vs Defensa Y Justicia

In this matchup between Tigre and Defensa Y Justicia, we can observe some insightful statistics that help predict the outcome.

Tigre has performed quite strongly at home, averaging 2.60 total goals per game and maintaining a solid defensive record by only conceding an average of 0.60 goals per game. With a win rate of 40% and no losses in their last five matches at home, they are clearly a tough opponent on familiar turf. Their recent form shows they can score effectively while also managing to keep their defense tight.

On the other hand, Defensa Y Justicia has struggled in their away games, achieving only a win rate of 20% and suffering losses in 80% of their last five matches. They average a high total of 3.40 goals per game, but their leaky defense allows them to concede an average of 2.20 goals per game. This indicates a trend of high-scoring matches with little to no defensive stability.

Given this analysis, it's reasonable to conclude that Tigre has the upper hand in this fixture, boasting a stronger home performance and a reliable defense. Defensa Y Justicia will need to improve significantly on their away form to challenge Tigre effectively.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Tigre to win.
Match Statistics
11 3 - 5 3 2 - 44%
Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
15 6 - 3 1 2 - 56%