U.N.A.M. - Pumas vs Club Queretaro H2H statistics and predictions

U.N.A.M. - Pumas
Liga MX
Club Queretaro

Our AI Prediction generated for U.N.A.M. - Pumas vs Club Queretaro

In the upcoming match between U.N.A.M. - Pumas and Club Queretaro, the recent form indicates a potential advantage for the home team. U.N.A.M. - Pumas has a solid win rate of 60% at home, scoring an average of 1.20 goals while conceding only 1.00. On the defensive front, they have a slightly better corner kick ratio and lower average yellow cards than their opponents.

On the other hand, Club Queretaro has struggled in their away matches, registering a win rate of just 20%. While they manage to score an average of 1.00 goal per game, they concede significantly more at 1.80. Their average total goals per game is higher than the host’s, suggesting a more attacking approach, but their overall performance at away games shows inconsistency.

Given U.N.A.M. - Pumas' higher win rate and solid defensive stats, they seem poised to control the game.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Bet on U.N.A.M. - Pumas to win, as they have demonstrated stronger home performance compared to Club Queretaro’s struggles away from home. The scoreline could be around 2-1 in favor of the home team.
Match Statistics
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Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
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