VVV Venlo vs Emmen H2H statistics and predictions

VVV Venlo
Eerste Divisie

Our AI Prediction generated for VVV Venlo vs Emmen

Based on the recent statistics, VVV Venlo has been struggling at home, having lost all of their last 5 matches with a shocking win rate of 0%. They average just 0.60 goals scored per game while conceding an average of 1.80. This indicates a defensive vulnerability that could be exploited.

In contrast, Emmen has shown much stronger form on their travels, winning 4 out of their last 5 matches with an impressive win rate of 80%. They score an average of 2.20 goals per away game while conceding only 1.00, highlighting their strong attacking capabilities paired with a solid defense.

Given these stats, it is reasonable to expect Emmen to maintain their winning form against a struggling VVV Venlo squad.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Bet on Emmen to win the match.
Match Statistics
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Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
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