Zaglebie Lubin vs Legia Warszawa H2H statistics and predictions

Zaglebie Lubin
Legia Warszawa

Our AI Prediction generated for Zaglebie Lubin vs Legia Warszawa

Based on the recent form and statistics of both teams, Zaglebie Lubin appears to hold an advantage in this matchup against Legia Warszawa. Zaglebie Lubin has a solid average of 2.40 total goals per game at home, with a win rate of 60% over their last five matches. They have managed to score an average of 1.40 goals per game while conceding only 1.00, suggesting a strong defensive form alongside their attacking capabilities.

On the other hand, Legia Warszawa has struggled in their away matches, with only a 20% win rate and an average of 1.40 goals scored per game, but with a higher average of 1.80 goals conceded. They have shown a tendency to draw (40% rate) which indicates some resilience, but it may not be enough against a home side like Zaglebie Lubin who are in good form.

Considering the stats, we can expect Zaglebie Lubin to dominate the play, especially given their home advantage and superior recent performance compared to Legia Warszawa.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Bet on Zaglebie Lubin to win the match.
Match Statistics
16 4 - 7 1 1 - 64%
Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
12 5 - 4 1 2 - 36%