Casa Pia vs Farense H2H statistics and predictions

Casa Pia
Primeira Liga

Our AI Prediction generated for Casa Pia vs Farense

Based on the recent form and statistics provided for both Casa Pia and Farense, we can derive some conclusions about the upcoming match.

**Casa Pia** has a balanced home record with an average of 2.00 total goals per game. They have managed to score an average of 1.00 goal while also conceding 1.00, which indicates they can be both potent and vulnerable at home. Their win rate stands at 40%, suggesting they have managed to secure victories in two of their last five games. Additionally, they have shown some resilience with a moderate draw rate of 20%.

**Farense**, on the other hand, has been struggling significantly away from home. With a troubling win rate of 0% and an alarming average of only 0.20 goals scored per game, their attacking inefficiency poses a serious concern. They concede an average of 1.40 goals, which may spell trouble against a Casa Pia side that can capitalize on defensive errors.

Considering these factors, it's reasonable to expect Casa Pia to have the upper hand in this matchup, particularly given Farense's struggles on the road.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Casa Pia to win the match.
Match Statistics
13 2 - 4 1 4 - 64%
Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
8 3 - 2 0 3 - 36%