Eibar vs Racing Ferrol H2H statistics and predictions

Segunda División
Racing Ferrol

Our AI Prediction generated for Eibar vs Racing Ferrol

In this matchup, Eibar has shown a stronger home performance compared to Racing Ferrol's away form. Eibar has a win rate of 60% at home, scoring an average of 0.80 goals while conceding 1.00, which indicates they may struggle offensively despite performing better overall. On the other hand, Racing Ferrol's away record points to a win rate of only 20%, with an average of 0.60 goals scored, also conceding 1.00.

Both teams have similar goals conceded but Eibar's higher win rate suggests they can leverage home advantage effectively. Additionally, Eibar's corner kick statistics indicate an ability to apply pressure, whereas Racing Ferrol's recent form indicates a more defensive approach.

Taking all this into account, the outcome suggests Eibar is likely to secure a win, though it might not be a high-scoring affair.

**Our Betting Prediction**: Eibar to win with under 2.5 total goals in the match.
Match Statistics
15 5 - 6 1 2 - 46%
Total shots Shots on target Free kicks Corner kicks Offsides Yellow cards Red cards Posession
7 2 - 4 0 1 - 54%